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  • Writer's pictureHelen Pinnock

"Unveiling the Impact: Exploring How Chronic Stress Affects Women's Health"

Updated: Feb 1

Stress is a much-used word, so much so that I think we have almost become immune to what it means and what the effects of living a continuously stressful life can do to our health.

It’s almost as though living a life in a constant state of low-level stress has become normal. So many people are constantly relying on their body's adrenaline to get them through the day.

What you are about to read...

To many women are living with the physical effects of stress

Too many women are living every day with…

  • Physical. Headaches, difficulty sleeping, tiredness, pain (most commonly in the back and neck), overeating/undereating, lack of energy, upset stomach, less interest in sex/other things you used to enjoy.

  • Emotional. Anxiety, depression, anger, unhappiness, irritability, feelings of being out of control, mood swings, frustration.

  • Mental. Forgetfulness, worry, can’t make decisions, negative thinking, lack of focus, and boredom.

  • Occupational. Work overload, long hours, poor concentration,

  • Social. Less intimacy, isolation, family problems, and loneliness.

  • Spiritual. Apathy, loss of meaning, emptiness, unforgiving, doubt, guilt, despair.

And I can understand why this situation has arisen.

Every age of life has its own unique stresses - young people are dealing with exams and the pressures of online lives…women in midlife like me are dealing with changes to their hormones, illness, busy jobs and families. And the list goes on.

If you throw in a pandemic for good measure it seems almost inevitable that we are all going to succumb to the negative effects of stress at some point. This low-level but continuous stress can wreak havoc on our bodies and minds.

In a word we have forgotten how to relax properly, we scroll social media liking quotes and images on Instagram telling us how important it is to look after ourselves then instantly disregard their message to busy ourselves with the next task.

In this blog, I am going to talk about how living in a constant state of chronic low-level stress affects women's bodies and how reflexology can help reverse and protect the body from some of the negative effects.

It’s estimated that between 70% and 90% of emotional and physical illnesses are caused by stress that is a shocking statistic, that in my opinion can have the effect of scaring people into feeling as though they have no control over it.

Yes! It’s not always possible to negate the stress in our lives but we can control how we manage it.

Taking time to rest, relax and recharge is not a sign of weakness or laziness. It's a powerful act of self-care and self-preservation. It's about honouring your body, mind, and spirit, and allowing yourself the time and space to replenish and rejuvenate.

 The Effects of Low-level Continuous Stress on Women's Health
The Effects of Low-level Continuous Stress on Women's Health

The Effects of Low-level Continuous Stress on Women's Health

Low-level continuous stress can have distinct and significant effects on a woman's health.

Hormonal fluctuations, and reproductive health concerns, may be particularly susceptible to the impacts of chronic stress. Prolonged exposure to low-level stress can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones, potentially leading to irregular menstrual cycles, exacerbating premenstrual symptoms, and even affecting fertility.

Moreover, chronic stress has been associated with an increased risk of developing conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and menstrual disorders.

Some women going through peri-menopause and menopause feel they are more easily stressed and conversely, stress can cause some of the negative effects women experience.

Additionally, stress can impact women's mental health, contributing to higher rates of anxiety and depression. Furthermore, the effects of stress on the immune system can make women more vulnerable to infections and slow down the healing process.

How does reflexology work

The process involves using thumb and finger techniques to apply pressure to reflexes the belief being that we can trigger the 7,000-plus nerve endings in each foot and send impulses to the body.

When you are having a reflexology treatment, I will first work through all the points, the idea being to balance the whole body and then spend some time working on specific areas of concern. This is because our bodies are all interconnected and not separate body parts that have no connection with one another.

How Does Reflexology Help Stress & Anxiety and Aid Relaxation?

As a reflexologist, I am treating the feet to release endorphins and serotonin in the body; to help move the body from a sympathetic state (your fight or flight response) into a parasympathetic state (your resting state.)

Regular sessions of reflexology can bring a sense of connection and calm to the body, from this place the body finds it easier to recognise the sensation of true relaxation allowing it to return more quickly to a parasympathetic state.

According to Dr. Hafeez from Comprehend the Mind reflexology can reduce stress and anxiety by "rebalancing the lymphatic and endocrine system, and boosting circulation, inducing a state of calm throughout your body and mind, leaving you feeling less stressed and anxious."


In conclusion, living in a constant state of stress can have profound negative effects on women's health.

The continuous low-level stress that many women experience can disrupt hormonal balance, impact reproductive health, and increase the risk of conditions like PCOS and menstrual disorders.

Additionally, stress can take a toll on mental health, leading to higher rates of anxiety and depression. It also weakens the immune system, making women more vulnerable to infections and hindering the healing process.

However, reflexology offers a potential solution to help women manage and alleviate the effects of stress. By applying pressure to specific points on the feet, reflexology aims to stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms and promote relaxation. Reflexology sessions can help release endorphins and serotonin, shifting the body into a parasympathetic state and inducing a sense of calm.

Regular reflexology treatments can enhance overall well-being, rebalance the lymphatic and endocrine systems, improve circulation, and reduce stress and anxiety.

It is crucial for women to prioritise relaxation, acknowledge the impact of stress on their health, and acknowledge the need to schedule in time to do something fun, relaxing and positive for their overall health.

As much as you may enjoy walking the dog or going out for coffee with your Mum, please ask yourself if these activities are creating a state of true relaxation and connection or are they just another part of your to-do list.

By taking proactive steps to manage stress, women can restore balance, promote relaxation, and nurture their overall health and vitality.

Reflexology Norwich - Helen Pinnock
Reflexology Norwich - Helen Pinnock

Helen provides reflexology in central Norwich

Reflexology is a gentle and non-invasive treatment that offers your body and mind the opportunity to relax, restore and rejuvenate. By receiving regular treatments you are supporting your own wellbeing both physically and emotionally.


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